Changing Partners’ Show Unconditional Love

I had seen so many theater musicals but I’ve never seen Changing Partners before, in all its incarnations. But I can say that I am lucky to see the transition to film of this musical play. Changing Partners is about two individuals who found love in each other and lived together despite the 15 year gap in their age. It would tell us that age is just an issue of mind over matter and if you don’t mind it really doesn’t matter.

While watching, there were moments when I could not tell who is Alex and who is Cris. At first, it’s very confusing but what matters to me is the strong sequence of one actor to another. Alex and Cris change from a regular heterosexual couple with ordinary man-woman issues to a gay couple with more complex issues. The advantage of film version over the original is that we were able to see the close up shots and by the look on their faces, we can closely see the emotions that they would want us to see. It feels like we were sharing in the characters’ pain. We can fully grasp the struggles of the older person towards the younger one and vise versa. If handled poorly, age difference can really dissolve love in a relationship. But once you learn to love and accept them for who they are, you subconsciously learn to love yourself unconditionally.

The story itself is something that we’ve seen before but the difference of Changing Partners is the twist of unique treatment, the amazing performances of Agot, Jojit, Ana and Sandino with the heartfelt music, the film becomes fresh in the eyes of the viewers. We can’t deny that all of us have a little bit of Alex and Cris deep within us. Direk Dan Villegas did a great job for this film.

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