The special needs of a special child

Every parents dream is to have a child who can fulfill their dreams better than they expected. A child who can figure out things for himself/herself as he/she grows older. A child who can play with them, sing with them, dance with them and with whom they can have a very pleasant conversation with. But what if your child is not what you expected? That God gave you a special one? The one who is autistic, retardate or so-called mongoloid. It may feel more like a curse sometimes but actually it will bring abundant opportunities for grace.

And here are some advice on how to be a good parent for a special child.


From the moment they were born, the love that they need was automatically there. However when parents find out that they are special, the love becomes less and doubtful. And they feel it without saying any words. Show your love with all your heart in any way you can so they can feel it and it will encourage them to live normally in the world where they are different from others.


Special children may have food allergies or terminal illness that needs the right medicine or treatment. It can be caused by many factors like birth injury, genetics or causes we do not understand but you have to support this need no matter what to ensure their safety.


It is very important when you are taking care of special children. Your patience has to be longer than normal. Because special children are more emotional . They always need your extra care to make them feel they are loved.

It is not true that special children are not smart, talented or capable. They just have specific challenges that normal kids would not face. Raising a special child makes the family special.

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